10 Absurd Regulations That Would Make the Founding Fathers Roll in Their Graves


The Founding Fathers envisioned a nation built on freedom, limited government, and the idea that individuals should be left to their own devices whenever possible. Fast-forward to today, and you’ll find a dizzying array of regulations that would leave Jefferson, Adams, and Franklin shaking their powdered wigs in disbelief. From overreaching government mandates to downright silly rules, here are 10 regulations that seem tailor-made to irritate our nation’s founders.

1. The Light Bulb Ban

In the name of energy efficiency, traditional incandescent light bulbs have been largely phased out, replaced by pricier alternatives. What would Franklin think of Uncle Sam regulating his favorite invention?

2. Rainwater Collection Prohibited

In some states, collecting rainwater from your own roof is illegal without a permit. Because clearly, the rain belongs to the government.

3. Overregulation of Lemonade Stands

Across the country, kids’ lemonade stands are getting shut down for lack of permits. Imagine George Washington needing a license to sell cider!

4. Regulating Cow Flatulence

California has implemented rules to reduce methane emissions from livestock. Yes, regulating cow farts is now a thing.

5. Ban on Plastic Straws

While reusable straws may save the environment, the government mandating your drinking utensil choice is a level of control the Founders would have despised.

6. Licensing for Braiding Hair

In some states, you need a license to braid hair. Because clearly, hair salons are the cornerstone of public safety.

7. Lawn Care Mandates

Many municipalities fine homeowners if their lawns aren’t up to snuff. Jefferson, who loved to garden, would be outraged.

8. Limits on Homemade Goods

Regulations make it nearly impossible to sell homemade baked goods in some states, discouraging small businesses before they even begin.

9. Car Seat Rules for Teens

Some states have extended car seat laws to children as old as 12. Imagine trying to tell Alexander Hamilton that his 11-year-old needs a booster seat.

10. Prohibitions on Feeding the Homeless

Local governments in some cities require permits to distribute food to the homeless. Compassion regulated by bureaucracy.

These regulations highlight how far we’ve strayed from the Founders’ vision of limited government. They remind us that freedom isn’t just a principle—it’s a responsibility we must constantly defend.