Ukraine Begins Drafting Women and Girls as Young as 17 to Die in Joe Biden’s War

alexanderon /
alexanderon /

Volodymyr Zelensky, the unelected dictator of Ukraine, plans to begin drafting women and girls as young as 17 and sending them into the meat grinder to be killed by the Russian military. At what point do you admit that you’ve lost a war? It seems like taking girls who should be picking out their prom dresses and sending them to exchange gunfire with battle-hardened Russian commandos is that point.

Ukraine has now run out of fighting-aged men and teenage boys to send to their deaths on behalf of Joe Biden’s pointless war. Unfortunately for them, our warmongering politicians in Washington, DC, have promised to fight to the very last Ukrainian in this foreign border dispute that has nothing to do with our country.

Zelensky tried to get Ukrainian men who fled the country to Poland to come back and reenlist, just so they can pointlessly die for him. Not surprisingly, nobody took him up on that generous offer.

Now the Ukrainian parliament is on the verge of passing a bill that will require compulsory military service for all males and females down to age 17. Imagine having to send your 17-year-old daughter to get her arms and legs blown off just because Kamala Harris is a bloodthirsty [redacted swear word].

Vladimir Putin hasn’t even sent his best troops into Ukraine yet. The JV squad has utterly destroyed Ukraine’s army. There’s no point to continuing the war any longer, especially if Zelensky is now reduced to sending teenage girls to fight and die in his pointless battles.

Zelensky has lost. Badly. Continuing past this point is an act of sheer evil.